The popular online course by Belsebuub from 2001 taken by tens of thousands of people worldwide
The contents of this book were first published in 2001, and contain Mark’s (Belsebuub’s) early, original writings on consciousness, the egos, awareness of the present moment, inner change, and finding inner peace.
Mark began teaching extensively about these spiritual topics and many others in person from 1990 in study centers, retreats, and public lectures. Then in 2000 he decided to also begin teaching through the internet and began creating the website www.mysticweb.org that was released in 2001. This is when he started writing for the first time, and created and wrote the popular series of online courses that were run from the Mysticweb website in 2001 that were open and free to anyone to attend. These courses were also run simultaneously in study centers in various cities and countries where they were free to attend in person.
The material in this book was the content of one of these courses. It initially formed part of an online course on different spiritual topics that was released in January 2001 and then later that year in December as its own course on the subject of self-knowledge called Searching Within: An Eight-Week Course. It consisted of eight topics authored by Mark which were distributed for free in PDF format over an eight week period on the Mysticweb website as well as in study centers. This course, along with others he wrote on astral travel and the journey to enlightenment, became a strong success and were taken by around 90,000 people both in person and online in over 100 different countries.
In 2003 Mark expanded the contents of the Searching Within PDFs, increasing the number of topics to nine which were distributed over nine weeks on the Mysticweb website instead of eight. The title of this course was called Searching Within: A Nine-Week Course, and it’s the contents of this course that are published here in this book. It was also printed in 2010 as a paperback book by the independent publisher Absolute Publishing Press in a small print run.
In 2004 Mark made further revisions to the contents of the Searching Within course and it was printed in 2006 by Absolute Publishing Press as a paperback book with the revised titled The Peace of the Spirit Within: A Guide to Transform Your Life.
In 2011, the 2006 edition of The Peace of the Spirit Within was further revised by Mark and published as an eBook under a new title Self-Knowledge for Spiritual Awakening. This eBook was further revised and published in paperback in 2017 under the title Searching Within: Taking the Way of Self-Discovery for the Journey to Source by us, Mystical Life Publications.